
Worst driving experience in a foreign country? Getting pulled over in the US state of Virginia for no reason other than having out-of-country plates that the officer didn’t recognize (Ontario, Canada) and then being told my very-valid-and-perfectly-legal-for use-in-the-USA license (again, Ontario) wasn’t legitimate.

I love it, but to rough around the edges for the price.

on the end of a rhino’s horn

With a dry corn cob.


Walmart screws over their workers every single chance they get. Fuck em’.

Good. Fuck Walmart. 

doubt they could find the word fact in a dictionary

Those idiots couldn’t find a fact in an encyclopedia haha

At that point it’s all about how much are you willing to keep to live off. Pick a house, pay it off, put 20 mill in a bank and just live off that until you die, then either donate the rest or give it to your children. Shoot, I would just enjoy life at that point, maybe open a business where I just restore cars, paint

Well, we RE-elected a man who’s clearly and repeatedly demonstrated his willingness to cheat, steal, and defraud absolutely everyone he can to enrich himself. And in the interim, he has started a number of shady business ventures (crypto, social media, NFTs, and the like) which he will now be in the position to regulat

Oh my...you’re about to see outright theft to a magnitude that would make even the best despots blush. Stopping SS payments will merely be a drop in the bucket when it comes to stealing gov’t assets and reassigning the assets to the top 0.01%.

Non-Jalop answer: I would love to see a unification of safety codes between the EU, Japan, Korea and the US. This way, if Toyota makes too many Kei vehicles for their market, they can export some to America cheaply and sell them here. It would allow for enthusiasts to special order stuff like Alpines or the like and

He could always get a job. I hear Walmart pays greeters like $15 an hour.

All the guy had to do was quietly go into retirement and move on. He’d forever be remembered as the hero mayor of NYC during 9/11 who was the face of a national tragedy unlike anything we’d seen. Showing true grit, moral fiber in the face of comments from Saudi leadership (and the refusal of a $10 million donation

That’s exactly what he deserves...

He prob thinks that DJT will get reelected and will reverse the judgement, but I‘m pretty sure Trump wouldn’t piss on Giuliani if he was on fire.

incEL Camino.

Preparing for a lot of anecdotal “evidence” that gas prices aren’t going down nationally because it’s still high at their corner station, and a lot of “yeah but the price of eggs is up!” posts.

I thought most of the articles I read about dealerships and electric vehicles was that they hated selling them, to the point they were sabotaging their own electric car sales. Now they’re mad that they’re being cut out of the process they cratered.