One of my exes was turkish, but like me she was born in the US. Her parents and grandparents hated me, my grandmother hated her, my parents liked her at least.
Make it similar to how Modern Family does it, where its like a reality show, but without the cameras, just her talking to herself (4th wall)
For the wizard, my favorite kanai’s cube power is the one you get from the etched sigil legendary. It allows you to use a power spender when using disintegrate, archane torrent, or ice beam. But here is the kicker, if you have the game set to elective mode, you can choose multiple spenders including archane orb with…
Okay, this gets my vote . . .
Oh goodness yes!
Wonder if she hates Carol due to the fact that this used to be her job as head of S.W.O.R.D.?
Rock on, Ms. Marvel, rock on . . .
The story of my once-abandoned 1966 Ford Mustang is complicated. It involves a dead professor, a lawyer, Matt Hardigree and my brother.
I dig this thing. I’m not blown away by it, but I am largely a fan of the design.
I am exactly like this with Greek, I was born and raised in the US, but my family is from Greece. Greek was actually my first language and wasn’t taught English until the neighborhood kids told my mom they couldn’t understand me. I can understand without effort and speak well, but I can’t read or write at all. I was…
Yes, yes it is, he also comes with a kung-fu chimichanga.
Happy New Year Jalopnik!
Is that a wrestling/MMA Gundam? I must have it . . .
That is awesome, I have Gundams vs. Godzillas with a Hulkbuster as ref
I wonder if anyone has made that body kit for sale? One day I will be able to get an Evo 9 as a second fun-time car . . . one day
This is the best response I have seen in this entire post, you may have won this . . .