No, you're right, the recaros do suck. Especially for a person with broad shoulders, that's why I got the standard seats.
Σας ευχαριστούμε για αυτό
Thank you for making me laugh out loud, I was called into my office today for some IT issues also. What it needs is a gif of her doing that angry stomp she does when she's pissed and saying that she got called in on her day off.
My dad had bought, brand new, a 1986 Ford Thunderbird. He took it back to the dealer with issues 16 times in that first year, each time it was a different issue. Being from Greece, the car's nickname became "Malaka." I don't have pics of Malaka, but here is a random pic i googled as a stand in. Edit: I forgot to…
Could someone with some photoshop skills put those tracks on the new ecoboost raptor? I have to know what would be like . . .
My guess would be a Natural Gas, Hydrogen powered or some other alternative fuel vehicle. Or would that be too obvious?
Ford explained to us that "Liquid Blue" is a show-car color only, and that it's actually multiple layers of paint on the display cars. Now, Ford also said that in the past, special show colors have made the transition to the production-car pallette, but right now Liquid Blue isn't in the running.
18. Dermot Riley O'Harddrinker
I lol'd and I really shouldn't . . . but I did
I support this, we need to let them know how wonderful of an investment this is!
Seriously, the second a dude starts bragging about being a fartbutt on a public road is the second I start planning my clever exit strategy. "Oh, uh, I think I know this dude over here."