
Sluggerrr felt that his buddy Orbit had greater need to hear the message.

at the end of the year, when the Royals have gone 6869-9493, at least they’ll be able to hold onto this.

The juxtaposition of those two clips... insanity to post-game commentary. I wasn’t ready.

It has been alleged that a former officer of the organization engaged in various acts of inappropriate conduct toward women over a period of years. This individual left the employment of the Mavericks nearly three years ago

One of the favorite pastimes of honor guards is to stand at attention with a 10 pound rifle at present arms while mindless fuckery is engaged in.



No it was that bad, she tried to sex up/lounge sing the National Anthem.

Hot take: It wasn’t THAT bad.

Are we really going to start getting in her ass NOW about her fucking atrocious “singing”?

Serious question: Can someone please explain to me, watcher of the NBA only when it’s on broadcast TV or during the finals, how this is not either a charge or blocking foul?

Just don’t watch the television adaptation of that series, The IT Crowd. You can practically hear the crew laughing as they make it.

Maybe you just need to stay away from IT movies. 

Ah, so you’ve seen the “It” series.

My guess is because a lot of these guys were told they were destined for the NBA sometime around the sixth grade, and have been treated accordingly by everyone in their lives ever since.

Hey, to each one's own! A graphic novel adaptation would rock, since I think art would go a long way to condensing things in a good way.

Yeah, I just…. can't read him. That prose does nothing for me. But I like the story, it's a great tale. I'd love to see a decent graphic novel adaptation, actually.

That's exceptionally kind of you to say, though I fear you're giving me too much credit and Tolkien too little. In The Silmarillion, here's how Huan's death is described: "Huan in that hour slew Carcharoth; but there in the woven woods of
Doriath his own doom long spoken was fulfilled, and he was wounded
mortally, and

Wow, I've never read The Silmarillion, but just your synopsis of that story is maybe the best thing I've ever seen Tolkein write.

I'm slightly disappointed that the A.V. Club did not display more rigorous pop cultural scholarship in this Q&A and its comments by distinguishing between sentient (Charlotte, Bambi's Mom) and non-sentient (Artax, Ol' Yeller) animals.