
Yeah I'm done with this site. Y'all are really bored with no Trump in office (which I'm glad about but for real, find a new hobby that isn't trying to create "gotcha" moments for celebrities who don't deserve it).

LeBron’s lasting legacy will be covering his mouth to talk to other superstars

In other words, it’s a broadway production.

Markie Mark better start working on his Australian accent for the film adaptation

Cool illegal screen

“This is dumb”

You are the worst writer on Deadspin.

Because Warriors fans require everything to be easy

This play is one of many reasons I have no desire to ever watch the NBA again.

You mean in late June when no one is in the playoffs?

And people tried to say that Harden and Russ had similarly talented rosters this year.

Let me stop you right there because the chances of someone other than Harden or Westbrook winning MVP is at most 5%, and that only adds up to 55.5%

I’m sure McCann had a #hottake after the game about how he felt the integrity of the game was disrespected

I’m crying, thanks

Bitter Thunder fan take: maybe you shouldn’t have taken one of our two best players

Not if Nolan puts him in a headlock first

What show?

You agree with Fidel Castro?

He came

Kids are disgusting but they can’t help it. However, parents are adults who CAN help it.