
Based on the recent state of Berman’s hair, I think it’s safe to say he’s Patient Zero.

“Wow, glad I got out of there. I always had a feeling the environment at ESPN was lousier than [irrelevant Boston Celtics team] and [obscure, unbearably kitschy TV show or movie], put together!”

Can we please get a “this is sportscenter commercial” where a old school school nurse is checking everyone’s head for lice, and then scott van pelt sits down with a giant smile on his face.

“We can neither confirm nor deny the existence or nonexistence of a criminal investigation until such a time as a person is charged with a crime,” said Hamburg Police Chief Gregory G. Wickett.

Would you prefer it masquerade as news like on some other channels?


I totally disagree. The prequels, yes, they were crap that supposedly kids would enjoy, but they were so full of boring parts and stupid dialogue that nobody enjoyed them.

How much does the NFL spend on its other advertising efforts? Roughly 4 mil doesn’t seem like all that much to give news outlets something to incessantly chew on for months and months and months leading up to the season. Seems like an affordable way for everyone to be screaming all the right buzzwords for a really

There were quite a few plays involving Beltre that ended in Shenanigans...The deal with the 3rd base coach, Corriea ran through third and jumped at Beltre, they were playful... There was a pick off play (?) at first where Beltre was acting like he didn’t know where the ball was... Very entertaining series thus far...

Beltre: Here?

/serious for a minute:

Beltre’s at least a borderline HOFer, right? Probably should make it. He’s a phenomenal fielder, and his offensive numbers are as good/better than Brooks and Santo:

So they use ‘X Gon’ Give it To Ya’ for music once the bloody part of the trailer starts. Deadpool is part of the Weapon X program. Coincidence?

Also, can we talk about how Kenny Lofton should be in the BBHOF?

As a lifelong Mariner fan in the midst of suffering through a season in which they’re 10 games back with 2 months to go, thanks for this late-season pick me up story.

I agree, it seems in poor taste after already mentioning this tidbit in the other Rare Replay articles. I didn’t think we needed an entire article on it.

So what exactly is the point of this article? To shit on Nintendo...? To mock them for not buying Rare? You guys already talked about how awesome Rare Replay is in your review, so I don’t feel like this post was really necessary.

I love Bo. He could have been one of the greatest of all times in two sports had it not been for his injury. But he took it in stride and hasn’t shied away into obscurity like most would. The 30 for 30 on him was excellent.

Oh, well if he’s immortal, I guess it’s not that big a deal.

The immortal Geno Petralli!

I would not want to be whoever that is at 1:50 that Bo has in a headlock.