
Also, there’s not a single player who has complained about the Royals this year who wasn’t wearing an Oakland uniform in last year’s wild card game. Funny how that works.

Astro fan here.

I agree completely. But this is Kotaku, and they have a hard on for bashing things Nintendo does. OMG THE NEW FREE THING THEY ADDED ISNT PERFECT.

When college football players stop using the D.E.N.N.I.S system, that'll be news.

This same genius on a local Chicago Sports shows coined “W.I.N. Whatever Is Necessary Today”, those were his exact words, so it was actually W.I.N.T

I prefer Florida State University’s “O-Skeet-Skeet-Skeet”.

Always grounds crew truthers.

“Congratulations Mets fans! You have unlocked the BOOK OF JOB ALLEGORY BADGE!”

Those are just Wilmer Flores’s tears.

1. The Mets were involved

The old saying is that there’s no crying in baseball, but since the Mets don’t play baseball what Flores is doing is perfectly fine.

It is also concerning because it calls Rousey’s comments hostile, but there is nothing in the comments that can be reasonably interpreted as such unless you’re predisposed. You can debate all day if her concern is valid, but she doesn’t go off hating on trans athletes.

The issue of trans women competing in women’s sports desperately needs some real discussion. Here is trans woman Gabrielle Ludwig with her basketball team:

I have been studying C# and learning to work in Unity for about 7 months now. I’m 25 and although I’ve always loved video games and hoped to one day pursue a career in the field, it always seemed like something that was far beyond my ability.

Exactly, it’s episodic content in all but name.

They’re not almost identical though. Each one has a new set of mechanics, each one advances the lore of the setting.

he’s making games for the people who want his games, not for people who don’t want his games. see also: literally anyone who makes anything.

Because these “people” haven’t figured out how to do something like this themselves

I’ve never played any of scott’s games (I don’t own a computer) and I’m a huge wimp when it comes to horror. But the whole backstory and the little hints to it, combined with fan theories has me rabid and wanting to know the complete tale of these evil automatons.

This is where Lois starts wondering if Jimmy and Clark are having an affair.