
[an old man, dying and alone, draws his last, raspy breath]

It’s not TV. It’s like the Teen Wolf of TV, or maybe more like the Pete Maravich, because it’s just so much more creative than anything that came before it, but with a little Phoebe Cates because there’s nudity. Well, actually Phoebe Cates’ career never really panned out as much, so maybe it’s more like the...


The Soprano

“What if we do a reboot of White Shadow? And since it’s HBO we can show lockerroom dong.”


Nive job Samer. Now we’re gonna have to take the Jets away from Winnipeg again to show them who’s boss.

“Eat a big butthole, Canada, and wash it down with a bag of milk.”

“We 7ook forward to uti7izing Carme7o in the triang7e offense.” is something Phil Jackson would actually tweet.

We all know Wesley Willis could beat them both up anyway.

Lofty take.

There was no anticipated bid for a second Toronto-area team, and even more surprisingly, nothing from Seattle.

Shenmue was greater than the sum of its parts. I, too, remember playing the original and finding it to be just a decent adventure game, a decent RPG, a decent fighting game, and a decent set of interactive cutscenes. Nothing spectacular.

You do know he’s not dead, right?

One, this man wasn’t a public figure. Two, the issue for many wasn’t as much the trick, as it was the outing, and outing is generally seen as something that is morally the wrong thing to do, especially for a non-public figure. Three, Gawker was helping a guy who was blackmailing the subject. This was much more than a

I really hate this running theme in all of the Gawker posts about how all of the outside criticism is coming from MRA’s/Gamergaters/Generic Reddit Trolls. Even former writers like Adam Weinstein and Lindy West cant help but bring it up almost compulsively. Everyone seems so enchanted by the victimhood of having the

I mean maybe they use other things but really, this doesn’t reflect what you’re trying to get across.

Conveniently left out the part where he was being fucking blackmailed by a guy...

“Years later, David Geithner’s children would look back on the day that ruined their family forever and remark that it wasn’t a total loss - ‘a bunch of awful people realized the value of friendship, at least.’ ”

This is a good story and the sentiments are laudable and understandable. But nobody is laying mushroom clouds on Gawker. Somebody inside Gawker's own office did that when they hit “Publish” thinking they were laying a mushroom cloud on Conde Nast.