
Look how I cam point you to Google “Azteca” AND “urine”

There is no international team I hate more, and it’s solely because of the fans. They are a bunch of trash and urine throwing jabronis, and they are proud of it. It’s like if Philly fans had a national team.

Fuck Mexico fans. I know there have been a very small amount of issues with US fans doing this, but they shit they get away with at stadiums is disgraceful. They were throwing shit at Costa Rican players after that shit call. Against T&T there garbage was hailing on the guy taking the corner before they scored the

I heard Capcom delt with this attitude of 3D only from Sony back then, they had to say “you want Resident Evil, you take Megaman 8 & X4” ...I’m not directly quoting but it’s really painful to see all this anti-2D stuff when that stuff aged far far better than any of the 3D stuff of that era.

I never got that Crash had anything wrong with his brain.

To the extent that it’s apples and oranges, what Gawker did was worse.

Then why did Gawker and Deadspin writers unionize together? Acting like they aren’t the same is ridiculous.

How much do you get paid for carrying Deadspin’s water?

You do realize it’s part of Gawker Media and Deadspin writers work for Gawker Media, and Deadspin cross posts posts on Gawker to their front page and vice versa, right?

how is this apples and oranges?

Care to expand on that?

Do you guys feel at all bad/hypocritical for putting Grantland on blast for outing Dr. V, to only do the same thing a year or so later?

“But I don’t anticipate changing anything. We won 67 games with the group that we had.”

My close group of friends and I had a game we’d play at most parties/gatherings/nights of Quarters:

If I were the guy that took that corner, I’d be hard pressed to not turn around immediately after that goal to taunt the Mexico fans (I say from the safety of my couch, far, far away from the Mexico fans).

Major score for karma, seeing them drop that goal amidst a bunch of douchebag fans throwing trash at a player in the middle of a live game.

Trump not far off with his comments on these people

Fuck Mexico and their shitty fans who are shitty people. FIFA has to find a way to deal with this bullshit.

LOL Trump may have had a point about these animals

That must have felt so fuckin bueno