
When reached for comment, Floyd dodged, then weaved, then danced around for about forty minutes, then kinda batted the question away, smiled a lot, and received the award anyway for some fucking reason.

Too-cool-for-the-room asshole has to have his say, loudly, so everyone else can here him. Hope he died in a car crash later.

It was hilarious he said it was “...just one big computer...” As if every movie in the last 3 years that has grossed over $100 million during opening weekend hasn’t been “one big computer”. Also as long as none of the orcs mind control a big blue cat and then fall in love and USB 5.0 screw another blue cat, it won’t

This would be slightly funnier if Caitlyn Jenner was doing the interview.

I loved it when I’d hear someone say something like “Herp derp body on the bridge near Elliot Hospital” I’d then shift over to around than area scan the roofs with DV and find it, same goes with tracking Man-Bat or all of the context clues stuff with the Fire Fighters and Azareal. It certainly beats always hearing

Are suit jacket sleeves supposed to do that?

Business in the front, Trump’s front in the back.

It’s posts like that this where I stare at it for 15 minutes trying to figure out if I am the idiot for not getting the joke or the poster is the idiot for not being able to read.

Is that you Emmitt Smith?


I hate to sound insensitive but I think Sept 11 showed filmmakers how that kind of destruction would actually look so it changed the way it is depicted.

At this point there are probably uncontacted tribes deep in the amazon who have on the walls of their crude huts, pictograms showing a pair of people in evening wear being gunned down while their son watches in horror. Right next to the pictograms of a teenager boy with a spider mask in his pocket letting an armed

I was going to say LeBron, but I guess there’s no “assistant” to his GM title.

I liked the point in Harvey Araton’s column that anyone who stars in a show called SHARK TANK probably shouldn’t complain about being screwed in a business deal.

Honest question — is Parsons the first player/assistant GM? Should he get a check for his scouting and recruiting work? I know these things happen behind the scenes between players, but I don’t remember a player being this publicly involved, working so closely with (and being lauded by) the owner, etc.

It warms my heart when people wise up and stop accepting shit posts. Keep calling Kotaku out on it, guys!

No, just another article by Nathan Grayson.

Slow day?

That’s ... not an easter egg.

In addition to the new rules, if they hit a ball that beams Berman in the face and leaves him bloodied, the entirety of the US national debt will be ceremoniously wiped out.