
Yes that’s the sad thing. Many of the die hards may have quit, but the casuals with bottomless wallets will continue blissfully feeding the machine

Stockholm syndrome at its finest. No one is saying they aren’t trying to make money. They have made a ton so far. What irks people is that they made the game HARDER in hopes of making more money. That is the lowest of the low and should never be defended.

Yep, gotta get that revenue following in from other countries before they fix anything, if they ever do.

I know this is Gawker, and how misogynistic of me, but Katie Nolan herself is a great way to get men interested in sports.

Rick Fox is coaching eSports now or something

“Girardi can certainly find some room in the lineup for a genuine all-time great who has a shot at a meaningful baseball milestone.”

Actually the reasons were very clear.

lol this clickbaity headline and the reason behind it is peak Gawker

I agree, I have a really hard time just sitting and watching an entire game. I do enjoy watching Red Zone though

Scary thing was, she was completely sober

Don’t tell me how to feel as a Thunder fan. We had a legitimate shot to win it this year. Now, we will, probably, never have a shot ever again and the team will probably move.

The most egregious one of all is what leveled the game up in the first place

Between this, that not-Florida-like-at-all Florida story, and digging up a decade-old article to shame Bill Simmons when he turned out to be 100% right about OJ Mayo, you guys are reeeeeally reaching this weekend.

Sweet Mother of God, Draymond Green Kicked This Ball So Hard

Racially charged, Bill Simmons, a name in the news, finding something to conplain about

I mean........ was he wrong about Mayo?


It’s been real. I’m done with this site

Now playing

Smash Mouth have no room to call someone else out for being a bitch