
It’s already well-established that LeBron is a bitch

“I’m only human, okay? Sue me.”

People saying “it” is incidental or whatever did not watch the video of his backhanded slap to Bron’s balls

Everyone, please stop defending this guy. PLEASE.

Parents, AKA future landlords after all of you get the axe

Enjoy this wonderfully awkward Deadspin post that assumes that A. Kyrie said “switch” and not JR Smith’s nickname “Swish” and B. That switching is some secret NBA strategy that cannot be observed by the human eye

Can’t quantify #grit

The same people who say this (and there are a LOT of them) probably don’t even watch any of the Olympic basketball, and DEFINITELY wouldn’t if it was a bunch of guys who weren’t LeBron, KD, etc.

He’s probably one of the cheesecake shot cameramen

How about noo

Rangers over Cardinals in 2011....

Miller perhaps?

An All-Star Game like this would be a delight.

KD is 7 feet... if you’re a lady

Was this game played in a snowstorm?

The league wouldn’t complain about 2 of the 4 best players in the league being in the Finals.

This is way too many words about the SAN DIEGO PADRES.

I Have No Mouth and I Must Cheer

That pic of him already looks like Crying Jordan, no edit required