Contrary to Elon, in this argument with the Cyber truck, "the house always wins."
Contrary to Elon, in this argument with the Cyber truck, "the house always wins."
Whew, I thought you were seriously defending that monstrosity...
Long Island, eh?
So lower the speed. Because of design flaw.
“I’m sure Tesla can fix this OTA”
Steering feel is actually an area where the Civic might outshine the Fit... Even my ‘08 has EPS, and this was when EPS was not as refined as it is now (my S2000 has worse steering feel than a NA Miata, for example).
Gonna disagree with you on the handling.
... And you could share wheels between them too, if it's a NA or NB Miata. 4x100s for both!
The Fit can probably handle taller cargo (lower floors on account of the fuel tank being up front under the driver's seat).
I wouldn’t be surprised if the Civic is cheaper to make, despite it’s larger size. Cramming everything into the Fit’s packaging probably takes more work and engineering.
It'd be great if this meant cars could get away with less sound absorption materials. Very cool that Honda came up with this - can't wait to see (hear?) these on the road.
It’s an illustrated Bible... And for some reason, Trump only bookmarked the bit about Lot shagging his daughters.
Sigh. Do you know what a “target demographic” is?
Will it be a Tungsten book?
Mezcal seems a bit too Hispanicky, Mexicany to mesh with the current Tesla target demographic, no?
Of course we know!
If you’re gonna try and “get” people for being lazy and ignorant, at least put in the effort to get the spelling and grammar right.
“I asked him his location and he said, near Cottonwood”
Gah, my brain skipped the NA part.
The GR Corolla and Yaris 3-cyl?