
It’s about being able to afford attorneys. Musk or Trump can afford effectively infinite attorneys and delay justice indefinitely, so anyone who wants to come after either of them knows it’s going to be a huge PITA. This delays charges being filed if they even get filed at all. That’s why there’s 2 or more systems

This states it is an offence to issue: “any words, deeds or writings that have caused moral injury or loss to the FIA, its bodies, its members or its executive officers, and more generally on the interest of motorsport an

I get what they are doing, but imagine any other job giving you community service for cussing 🤣

We have concluded our investigation: This man is an idiot 

The rank and file do for some reason. Toxic bro-ness, misogyny and racism is my guess.

Please refer to update 2022.40.4 for the Tesla Model 3 and others. Or 2023.12.1.1. I could go on but I don’t think it matters for someone like you. 

Great idea but don’t stop with 70-yr-old grannies. Let’s ban anyone who attends cars-and-coffees from driving cars with more than 150 horsepower.

It probably took that DC3 a lot longer to get those altitudes than a jet airliner, giving your ears that much more time to equalize.

If I understand Elon’s 4D chess correctly (and that’s unlikely, since I’m not nearly as smart as he is), first he will first tell them “GFY”, then sue them for not buying his cars? This is how one becomes a trillionaire? 

Am I the only one in this room who is old enough to remember the Ford Pinto?

Investigators believe the two women were trapped inside the Tesla with no way to escape, according to WABC.

This is also a public service announcement that you should not let a 70-yr-old grandmother drive a 400-500hp car (with a 0-60 time of ~4 seconds) unless she knows what she’s doing!

Elon unleashed his army of sycophants and trolls early today I see.

Why was that? Were the doors wedged shut (as can happen to any car) or were they unable to open the doors because Tesla won’t install actual door handles?

Don’t buy these deathtraps under any circumstances. They’re unstable, dangerous, and buying one simply funds a fascist oligarch.

Not saying that as a nation they are particularly warm to outsiders, but their relationship with China is particularly - let’s call it “delicate”- going both ways. And for really good reasons. 

The only one I’d ever want is the blind spot warning like we had on the rental Durango we had last month.  That was handy, especially given the blind spots on that thing.  Other than that, they can keep ‘em!

Good on yer cousin. It’s gotta suck to be forced to change jobs because, “What do you want us to do? Tell cops not to be racist? We’ve tried nothing, and we’re all out of ideas!

My cousin left a large police force because they couldn’t deal with the corrupt, lazy or outright racist POSs that come with the job. The way some Officers talked was too much and they needed to leave for their safety (both mental and potentially physical since they couldn’t trust a few to have their back!)

again and again.