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    Which begs the question: what should the rest of us do if we see a CT on the road with us?

    I hadn’t even clicked into the article and I already assumed he’d demand the bridges be lit red, white, and blue. 


    I feel like if they HAD cut some corners, fewer people would be getting maimed. 


    E-ebrakes are cool. Until your battery dies.

    I've been thinking: I'm surprised Hyundai/Kia haven't tried to get into the convertible market. At the top end, they could do this with Genesis. At the bottom end, I could see the Veloster platform being a good basis for a low-price accessible 'vert. 

    I don’t think this is a hot take. Autonomous driving would be great for getting people who can’t (or shouldn’t) drive away from the controls.

    I wonder how Chinese authorities will handle Tesla FSD issues that result in accidents... I guess we'll find out soon enough. 

    Yup. It’s almost like conventional metrics like P/E multiples don’t matter. What matters is your ability to sell your shares on to the next sucker.

    Wouldn’t be the first time you needed the Union to smack some sense into the South to improve things...

    Really nailing the “fail fast” startup vibe with this...

    I am being slightly unfair, as mine had questionable suspension (those red flags I missed - never do test drives tired). The shifter was not bad (the leather-wrapped knob was very similar to the S2000 one). 

    Crikey, you and I have a lot in common beyond the S2000...

    Don’t worry. Xi Jinping is a major departure from the more practical and prudent leaders of the past. He is busy recommitting the same mistakes that Mao did.

    “A man who’s complete managerial impotence took the number one EV factory in town to a sixth place tie with Table Time and Allied Biscuit.”

    GDP goes up, even if you’re just paying someone to dig a hole, and then paying someone to fill it back in.

    I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t at least visit the dealer if they actually produced this...

    I still dig it... It has those Dakar Rally vibes

    Huh... Is that where they decided on the beaver teeth motif?