DystopianHellscape(causeFuckEverything was already taken)

Blood $$$$ for her descendants. She doesn’t give a flying fuck if she lied, bet she voted for Trump too.

“When Carolyn herself [later] lost one of her sons, she thought about the grief that Mamie must have felt and grieved all the more.” Let me guess, her son was being falsely accused of harassing a pure white woman and subsequently tortured and murdered? If not, your grief is NOTHING compared to Mamie’s grief and the

Exactly. “That case went a long way toward ruining her life,” is how a lot of these people choose to not see the people who really suffered.

Same way all people like that do. Rewrite what happened in their minds so they were the victims, regardless of facts.

For her to be so free of responsibility and accountability to anything or anyone that she, a murderer, wants to write mother-fucking memoirs about her “ruined” life? To what, get some $$ and gain some sympathy before she clocks out for good?? There is no end to white supremacy; she is actually trying to pass blood

WTF? This professor had the nerve to repeat this bullshit about how this case ruined her life?

Ivanka: calmly walks through the arena shooting anyone who gets in her way because of course this bitch gets a gun right away.

Oh, #2 should be amazing for our economy. I’m sure his army of Walmart shoppers will appreciate it as well.

I literally had this experience with someone like two months ago. It was nice to be on the other side of the bowl, and get to share something new with someone.

“The very nano-second that you see the government support gun restrictions you will know the government is afraid of revolution from the left.”

None of my dystopian novels predicted rouge park rangers leading the resistance on Twitter. . .

Primeminister May is currently visiting.

1. Damage trade relations with Mexico.

Let me decode that for you, since I’ve been reading a lot of shit from Trump supporters since he started backpedaling on this. Here is a list of some things that people have claimed would be the same thing as getting “Mexico” to pay for it.

“There will be a payment. It will be in a form, perhaps a complicated form,”

“Still, Mr. Trump, who does not read books...”

Or maybe she really believes the right-wing crazy talk (she’s from Slovenia and most of what she knows of US politics is filtered through her husband!), and she’s ALSO being treated badly. He doesn’t have to literally be holding her prisoner in order for her to do the talk show circuits and spout conspiracy theory.

It’s like the bully who you know has a rough home life; you can feel bad for him and still think it’s bad when he picks on other kids.

Yes! I can feel sorry for her and still think she is not that great of a person.

Melania Trump certainly seems wicked bad, to the point that I wonder if part her public performances are Donald exerting some sort of control over her. That said, I think that the “sympathy” she’s getting is mostly about mocking Donald’s obvious disdain for everyone who is not himself.