DystopianHellscape(causeFuckEverything was already taken)
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I dunno dude/lady/internet presence. Nixon was pretty racist; Reagan was homophobic. I don’t recall seeing any POC in The Jetsons, and no women working at Cogswell Cogs or Spacely Sprockets, either.

He really does need to come out, though. Some are banking on him.

I haven’t heard/seen anyone call him an Uncle Tom (except you). What I have seen are many people saying Harvey is laughably unqualified to work for HUD, as is Dr. Carson. Just because someone once lived in a city or is black does not magically make them an expert in urban planning or public housing.

Trump thinks all black men, by the consequence of being black men, understand the issues of inherent to those living as a minority in inner cities.

You’re not suggesting Staind is on the level of Nickelback and Creed are you? Because Staind is far above.

Me reacting to every name on this list:

I’ll be watching the queerest thing I can. In fact I had 2 new years resolutions. To be even more queer and to nap more.

I don’t see him as a legitimate President either. Thank you Rep. Lewis for your continued bravery.

It was just really silly. But Johnson was good in it. It wasn’t like Battlefield Earth bad. Or like a Showgirls campy trash masterpiece. It’s just a ridiculous story that was fun to watch for a laugh.

But will the audience get to see his total dick this time or is he still gonna leave his jeans on while he flogs her?

If I have to pay for old men’s boner pills, you can pay for women’s contraceptives. (At my age, I avoid hormonal contraceptives.)

I mean to be totally honest, you might want to wait for him to ruin the economy- if you have savings, you will probably be able to pick up a bargain after the next crash (if our currency isn’t horribly debased in the meantime, which it may well be).

“Who knows, maybe you’ll like the taste of hydrochloric acid!”

i’m trying to buy a house right now.

what’s worse is people like to use their moral judgement on birth control...cuz women are slutty sluts who are irresponsible and who should be forced to have a child as punishment.

Abstinent people also use it for skin conditions and menstrual irregularities.

Side note: Married people use contraception too. People act like every woman on the pill is a literal prostitute.

Maybe I am not understanding, but after listening to the election hearings, Trump is going to be benefiting from so much.
Trump saying his daughter is “going to be the best first daughter American has seen” - is insane. She is a grown woman, with a family - why are we even allowing her access to anything?
Trumps son’s

I would say that it’s among the biggest disgraces of our era, but I’m sure something will disgust me more before the hour is up.