
It makes no sense to get upset over imagery in a work of fiction until you know in what context the imagery is being used. Also, a depiction of a fictionalized world is likely to contain portrayals of real bigotry, especially one set in this universe, so it’s not appropriate to assume that just because bigotry is

Sure, but I don’t recall extreme loss-leaders like this being thrown around either.

The military: lacking in self awareness.

it is hilarious because of the inaccuracy. have you ever watched the history buffs youtube channel where he goes over stuff like this? he is losing his shit all the way through braveheart.

Did I mention that I’m higher than giraffe pussy AND I’ve just started on the rum? It’s 4:30. If I get too magnificent, just reel me back in.

Dude - pace yourself.  That kind of output on an indictment Friday can burn you out.

You forgot one Samantha;

The fact is like almost every movie has characters that aren’t real. Hence they are “fictional”. I hate this stupid argument.

Since I spent most of my life growing up in the real Roswell, New Mexico (left when I graduated from high school) I guess I’ll get this started. For those that don’t know, New Mexico is a very strange place and Roswell is even stranger. It’s nestled in southeast New Mexico and secluded from pretty much everything. The

You can’t HANDLE the GIFs!

There’s really only one appropriate response to his demand:

Agree that his headlining his own show may have unleashed his behavior on set.  I just realized that one of the reasons I couldn’t get through a whole episode of Bull was that I can’t stomach that much of him.  He was better as a bit player in a large ensemble who largely provided comic relief while the others acted

Man who has nothing going for him drags sucessful woman. It’s a story as old as time. Dude, She’s.Never.Heard.Your.Name.

It morphed into “Friends” wannabe.

While true (and stupid) it does at least attempt to maintain some amount of continuity as does 3 when they had to explain that what Connor received was only a small part of the real prize to justify that there were still immortals around.

Mormon feminist LUL

You may be too young to remember the long-lasting rumors that Curtis was intersex. All I can imagine as the origin is that she was one of the first female action heroes, and slightly more androgynous in appearance than Sigourney Weaver.

Honestly, it could work either way. The author’s forgotten that Azor Ahai is actually a gender neutral prophecy. Hell, it doesn’t even have to refer to a specific person, just one willing to take certain actions. It could be Jon, who was brought back from the dead, whose soul is needed to forge the weapon. Or indeed,

That took longer than expected.