
Bingo. The fragility is real. Being less-than-average isn’t paying dividends for them, any longer. They actually have to work to get ahead. Whiteness isn’t paying the salary and wages it used to. They actually have to have things like, you know, skill and education, now. Go figure, right?

They’re angry because their mediocrity isn’t getting them as far as it used to.

He was last seen heading north to join the war effort....

I don’t believe in erecting statues to living people, but once he dies Frederick Douglass absolutely deserves a statue, as more and more people are noticing.

I once read a book about mad magazine in which the author described publisher william gaines as a man who strode to the bathroom with grim determination, as if each trip was the most important trip of his life.

Thanks Ben Carson. I just need to love the people that think I am not a human until they give up. Oh wait, we’ve been trying that for 400 years. Spoiler alert: It didn’t work.

They totally underestimate the number of liberals who own firearms. They assume someone who supports gun control and single-payer healthcare wouldn’t touch a gun let alone possess one. There are plenty of armed Americans who would oppose and surprise these mother-fuckers if they decide to take up arms.

Apparently if you call him a pissbaby and add the hashtag #MacedAlaska you get a nice blockin’.

Keep trying sugar britches....

I’m thinking his cancer diagnosis may have made him realise that his years of following party lines has amounted to nothing and he might as well do what he wants in the time he has left.

Yes. I’m not LDS. I even tried telling some of the doctors I wasn’t, and didn’t desire a family. I got the same reply most women did “Oh you’ll change your mind later”.

you know both... can be true, right?

Shes negotiating that paper!

As a 90's boy growin up, i’d like to point out that both Ripley and Jordan O’neill (G.I. Jane) are badasses and I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise.

Carter’s just the best. No-nonsense female who just gets on with shit and was never written to either be worse than men or constantly being stronger because she’s a woman as too many female characters have been.

mid-morning post-coffee deuce

I would think if I were unceremoniously dumped from my professional life like a mid-morning post-coffee deuce and was left with nothing but piles of money I’d spend my time doing swan dives in it a la Scrooge McDuck (and hookers and blow and all that fun stuff that Scrooge def did they just never showed it) instead of

Just beware, in the Game of Moans, Whiner is ALWAYS coming.

Now playing

Also, because it makes me laugh every time I see it…