That’s literally a weekly minimum-wage paycheck.
That’s literally a weekly minimum-wage paycheck.
I think it’s because he’s a pretty boy, and is therefore assumed to only be in movies for that reason. Honestly, looking at his filmography, he’s not that impressive. Half of it’s based on the Divergent novel series.
I maintain that the tree really brings the emotion together.
It’s called a loan.* Hellllooooo.
Freebirds is still shit. I prefer Torchy’s, but it’s not exactly a national chain.
Hey, some people skydive. Who am I to judge?
It’s nice that you’ve reached the Finals in the World Russian Roulette Championship. I feel like there should be a reward for it. Would you accept a $200 Chipotle gift card?
I see your scientists and raise you an entire team of scientists from a Ridley Scott sci-fi horror film.
Are we certain that everyone signing the petition is aware that it’s a joke? Just saying. The world’s kind of crazy right now.
No. It just makes everyone else in the building fly.
I’ve seen Hydrox in a few stores in the early 2000s.
Valve morphed from game company to parasite in order to keep it’s employees from having to actually do work. Let’s be honest.
He’s like what would happen if a douchebag had sex with an older douchebag.
I heard they were going to call that the Director’s Cut.
Agreed. More Christopher Plummer is always good.
I’m willing to consider that both are possibly true.
I chock it up to human nature. Accountability is nice and all, in theory, but no human being wants to be on the receiving end of it, even when they have it coming.
Isn’t this that motherfucker I saw the other day that got VAC banned for using cheats?
May you have a dullish day!