
I’d rather be G’Kar than have a fucked-up Centauri hair-do.

It’s the sexiest vacation destination.

‘May you live in interesting times’ is the most self-inflicted curse I’ve ever heard. Seriously, if I say that to someone on the street, and I’m alive during the same era that they’re alive, doesn’t that mean that I live in interesting times, too?

Oh. Well, you have a point there.  I’m used to the more recent additions to the franchise, though I love the original.


In the Cyberpunk universe, gasoline was largely replaced by alcohol.  There are few, if any electric vehicles, and the ones that do exist are for the wealthy.

Nah. Deus Ex required for you to be thrown through a brick wall and shot in the head before you became a whiny, brooding Robocop.

Science fiction in the Cyberpunkiverse would send real-world fans into a frothing rage. Star Trek Wars.

Get your Wraith on.

That reminds me of the cringeworthy dialog of the Hackers film.

I bought it for the same price back in the late 90s at a flea market.  Lucky me, I wound up with basically every printed supplement for that edition in the box (I think it was missing one or two books).

Derek, is that you?

Too bad they didn’t .png that shit.

Yeah, the jabs at Altered Carbon were fairly limp at best. Apparently, some people that watched it wanted everything spelled out for them, rather than looking for more subtle points being made.

I think it’s mostly because they’re too busy focusing on maintaining a 13-episode season for nearly all the Netflix shows. The result is 13-episode seasons that should have been reduced to 8-10 episodes at most.

Cool. I need to check that out.

For the record, Cyberpunk 2077 is based on a tabletop roleplaying game from the 80s, and as such, predates Fallout by around ten years. If there’s anything about this that looks remotely like Fallout, it was taken from Cyberpunk.

Try 80s.

Right, for the most part. It may help with hacking (don’t remember), but I’m pretty sure Reflexes and Intelligence were the big hacking things, since Netrunning involves doing the Matrix-style “plug your head up to a computer” thing.

Yeah, style was a big deal. I believe one of the rules was something like, “You can’t just be a badass, you have to look good doing it.”