
Tell me about it. I ran a game for my brother in the late 90s. In the first round of combat, he fired full auto at a tactical team that was across the street from him. He had boosted reflexes and wound up first in the order of combat. The tactical team didn’t have a chance to return fire, as they were all either dead


Stop it! Stop kicking ass! Chew!!!

Well, to be fair, it’s based on a tabletop RPG from the 80s. Expect to see rockstars in the game that look like Billy Idol or the big hair bands.


I hope so. I think they could do a lot more with it if they ditch the whole “corporate asshole nukes Night City” angle the original tabletop game went with.

Well, they’re definitely pushing the Friday Night Firefight aspect of Cyberpunk. These would be the combat rules that made combat super-lethal. Apparently, the combat in Cyberpunk 2077 is going to be high-lethality, as well, requiring Witcher-style battle prep.

Speaking of sea-steaders, I remember an old fan-made series of supplements for Cyberpunk that were released online back in the 90s/early 2000s. They had to do with Cyberpunk cultures that lived in underwater cities to avoid the troubles on the surface.

Well, it’s slowing time in relation to your perceptions, anyway. But, yeah, it’s technically enhanced reflexes.

The left-wing vs. right-wing argument is bullshit. It’s been discussed too often as a straight line, but it’s not. If you go too far to the left or too far to the right, you eventually wind up with power in the hands of few people (or one person), and little to no freedom as everything slide deeper into a police

They flew in old planes made of wood and cloth. They flew at night. They idled their engines when approaching the target area. By the time the Germans could hear them, the only sound they could hear sounded to them like broomsticks, so they started calling them nachthexen.

Now playing

Mother. Fucking. Night. Witches. If I could hit that star so hard that it would tilt like a pinball machine, I would fucking do it. You know how I learned about them?

Oh, and engineeers can miracle up ammo on the fly. And, who can forget dolphin diving.

That’s historically accurate*, motherfuckers!!!

I’ll admit that I’d prefer if it were third-person, like The Witcher 3, but I’m going to buy this. It’s decided. I’m going to buy it because years ago, I bought a boxed set of the Cyberpunk tabletop game, which also contained several of the supplement books, at a flea market for $10. I immediately fell in love with

Confirmed: O’Dimm, Inc. is an official competitor to Arasaka.


Racists are afraid of not being in control, so they see it as the apocalypse.

You know, that is the only thing that explains the “Now, it’s your turn to have eight years of hell” comments that I saw after Trump won. They literally think that the liberals voted Obama into office to terrorize the whites.

It depends on how the RPG-style progression is used. For instance the original Deus Ex is a far cry from where the franchise wound up. Deus Ex is a true FPS/RPG hybrid. The rest of the series is FPS with progression. In a similar respect, Assassin’s Creed is just an Action game with progression. Is it fun? Sure, but