
Calm down, my friend. It happens in cycles, I’ve noticed. A few years ago, it seemed like developers despised first-person. Now, the pendulum has swung back the other way. Hopefully, if they see that there’s enough demand for a third-person option, they’ll add one in. Personally, I hope they do, The Witcher 3 was

As for me, I’m just glad it’s not isometric, though I’d prefer more of a Witcher 3-style third person option.

At least it’s a separate game.

“How much money does Cyberpunk have to make to get these fuckers to make a couple more games companies like CD Project Red?”

Could it also be possible they’ve gone balls to the wall and have decided to release an Elder Scrolls game that has the entire Elder Scrolls world in it?*

That’ll only be after he finds Cthulhu in CK2.

Agreed. The Paradox Club is far more exclusive than the PC Gaming Club.

Welcome, brother.

So, quick question: Any new products coming out, like super-absorbent pancakes or pancakes with wings?

Thank you, Syfy. I have imagined greater. It’s called Amazon. Byeeeeeeee.

Yeah, I was always fascinated with the OG Deadlands card mechanics. If I ever played, I’d want to use those mechanics.

I have another pet peeve about “special dice.” Whether it’s dice that have weird symbols on them, or those fucked up, odd-numbered dice (33, 66, whateverthefuck). That last one, from what I can tell, was a dice company that came up with oddly-numbered dice, and then they were in a mad scramble to build a game to

Shit, I was in junior high, I think, and I thought it was cool. My parents thought it was cool.

My whole argument in favor of the “DM is god” thing is that someone has to make the rulings in the game. I realize there are several games that distribute things more evenly and have game mechanics to support it.

Deadlands: The GM is called “The Marshal” and the players are called “The Posse.” I’m sorry, since I’m not that familiar with the game, but is the Marshal actually playing the leader of the group in the campaign? Or, is it just one of those “being different to be different” things that grates on my nerves?

I understand where you’re coming from. The “DM as god” thing does tend to create situations where the DM winds up being a dick. I get that. I’m just used to the old-school idea of “DM as god” being roughly the equivalent of “DM has final say.” I realize that there are assholes playing RPGs with the explicit intention

We need an RPG system called The Gibson.

The people I play with would fucking mutiny if we had a DM like that.

Also, since you’re all fairly new to the experience, don’t sweat the rules too much. If you get something wrong, don’t worry about it. And remember the “Rule of Cool.” I tend to use that fairly liberally.

Alternatively, to get buy-in have a rough idea of a campaign, with a few (or several) plot points/locations vaguely planned out. Then, start asking each player questions about their characters to get a feel for them. Learn their history, secrets, who their family and friends are. Find out if they have any prior