
Was thinking about the ME remaster last night, as I’m almost done with 1. I kinda respect the fact that, while they smoothed some of the rough edges, they didn’t remake the game and left it’s existing flaws in place. It’s a good reminder of how far console RPGs have come since then. As far as I can tell, I still can’t

My issue with Age of Ultron was that it was too short a film. Deliberately so, as revealed by Joss on Empire magazine podcast years ago (along with hints of tensions between him and Marvel).

For me, the first Avengers film hasn’t aged well. Most of the dialogue are one step away from making me cringe. Most scenes seem set up and superficial. That scene between Widow and Loki, especially. Also, Cap’s PSA clown costume. I do remember the big appeal at the time was the team-up factor. It was pretty surreal,

“A few years later, with Avengers: Age Of Ultron, Whedon had ideas he wanted to explore, and Marvel had plot mechanics that it needed to move forward. Ultron made a whole lot of money, but the film only barely survived the tension between what Whedon wanted and what Marvel wanted.”

i actually somehow got really lucky. After a few weeks of playing around and seeing if I could find one in stock by checking in during a re-stock, the first morning of seriously being in the mindset of “if I get one of these in my cart, i’m pulling the trigger” I found one from Wal-Mart. I actually had the best

exactly. I got my PS5 in January and, since I never owned a PS4, just the ability to rip through some classics from the last generation was worth the price. Now I’m playing Returnal, and man, that sure feels like a next-gen game. Was it an unnecessary $500 at the time for next-gen gaming? sure, but that doesn’t mean

On the other hand:

I got it for my XB1, I haven’t played more than a few minutes of it yet but I expect it’ll be fine. Keep in mind that they’re originally Xbox 360 games, they’re remastered but it would have taken a lot of work to make them look so good that only the XSX could handle them.

And I don’t get calling Nintendo greedy since they’ve charged nothing for any updates. The exception are things like the Sanrio add-ons which are really probably more a Sanrio thing TBH and scalpers being greedy and buying out the packs.

I do have issues with how Nintendo handles online updates, or lack thereof for

...and how many good points *does* he make, haha?

How about we wait for the show to finish before writing smarmy opinion pieces complaining that a show about Cap’s successors struggling to live up to his legacy...doesn’t have those successors immediately succeed in embodying his legacy?

A store refusing to sell a product is not censorship. That's not what censorship is, at all. 

I keep trying to dismiss this show as harmful popular nonsense that just isn’t meant for me, but they just keep giving awful garbage people time in the spotlight. This and Dancing with the Stars seem to exist partly to promote/publicly rehabilitate scumbags and I can’t abide it.

Given how readily Star Wars writers and/or directors have been fired before and after TLJ, the fact that he still hasn’t is a pretty good sign. Supposedly he’s just doing other projects first, which is probably chill with Disney seeing as he’s not the only one.

Yeah. I mean, I think WB is recognizing that maybe the notion of a tightly shared universe isn’t the only way to go with their franchises, and they seem to be doing a good job of making diverse, fun movies that take advantage of the characters and settings. Not all of their output in the past few years has been for

I feel like Aquaman is going to end up a cult classic. It’s got that Face / Off zany-fun gene.

I thought the last Suicide Squad trailer looked fun. We all know how that turned out to be.

Definitely, it will take a brand new game to not make CP feel like an Ubisoft open-world game. This could have totally been “Far Cry: Night City” and people would be like “it’s an okay Far Cry game, but the stealth mechanics are pretty weak and the quickhacks aren’t that interesting.” The fact that it’s a CDPR game

Hot take, Luke! But I agree. When we’d Star Wars marathon in college, we’d shove in Clone Wars right between Eps II and III. Especially because Clone Wars ends right where Revenge of the Sith picks up.