How does anything in this article suggest that this is anything other than Dungeons and Dragons?
How does anything in this article suggest that this is anything other than Dungeons and Dragons?
gonna push back on this a little bit, it’s definitely not what the first two baldur’s gates were, but there’s a lot of d&d’s ruleset that made it in. adjusted a bit for video game purposes, but based on what i’ve played of d&d (mostly just 5E with a couple games of 3.5 years ago) it’s a reasonably faithful adaptation…
I do hope that this doesn’t dissuade them from Mass Effect multiplayer in the future. Tying it in to the single-player GR rating in 3 was dumb, but beyond that the multiplayer was one of the best aspects of that game. And while I have yet to touch Andromeda, my understanding is the multiplayer kept going strong there.
Every bit as fun as the asshats who insist on arguing the door would have supported them both
Honestly it does look fun! Sometimes all I want is a fun romp where I can point at the screen and go “they say that in the videogame!” (I’m not being sarcastic, I’m just a simple gal of simple tastes lol).
I think the fact that jobs/the general gameplay start very simple and grow progressively complex is a weakness *and* a strength. It’s nice that they ease you into it with like three abilities so you can learn to play bit by bit, but yeah, around level 30 many jobs feel weird and shallow. They really start to come…
Now is literally the best time to start! The last couple of patches cleaned up the 1-50 levelling process substantially.
This is good news considering I started playing FF14 for the first time last night.
No I completely agree. That’s kind of why I added the line about Trump setting a low low bar.
... I’m frankly just shocked that anyone in Washington D.C. besides AOC plays videogames. Finding out that Rep. Ocasio-Cortez does was enough of a revelation in itself.
... I’m getting old wow
The Covid relief bill was taken up in December AFTER the Presidential election. The debate was about $2,000 vs $600 not, $2600 vs $600
Exactly. Her last appearance was meant to set up that Rangers of the New Republic series. She certainly would’ve been the star of that show, but not anymore. As long as they have Paul Sun-Hyung Lee in it to serve as a bridge character, they can either recast Cara Dune or have another character entirely.
I’m not sure why Jack is bad casting though? Do you think that Jack can’t play a devastatingly sad and emotionally broken character who uses humor and false bravado as a shield?
Ignoring the fact that Kevin Hart still makes absolutely zero sense as Roland, they really are getting some big names for this movie. Lionsgate must be throwing some serious cash around.
You can install Steam and Epic on the same computer so I don’t get this. The idiots who refuse to use more than one store only have themselves to blame.
They should recast her with somebody who can actually act, preferably a transgender actress.
Have to give her credit. She was likely going to be a lead on Rangers show and she said “nope, those millions in Star Wars bucks once include toys and the like are not as important as my need to spread my fear and hate on social media.” That is truly putting money where your mouth is.
Honestly she was fun in season 1 but her season 2 appearances felt strained. Glad she is gone because she sucks in real life but her presence on the show won’t be missed