Glad to see I’m doing something right (wait ‘til my wife hears about this!).
Am I the only one who thinks this guy has an alcohol problem? Geez - if you’re going to drink that much, just bring a flask of adult juice.
After watching the the cooking person cut - or should I say massacre - strawberries earlier this year, it would be hard to take anything she recommends seriously.
A/V Club Disclaimer: This list was created prior to watching “My Brilliant Friend”.
Can somebody please explain this to me????
This sounds like a cross between “Hedwig” and “This Must Be The Place”.
When I was a kid, we used to walk to the local 7-11 and buy 45s. The first two I bought were Brownsville Station’s “Smokin’ In The Boy’s Room” and Terry Jacks’ “Seasons In The Sun”.
I’ve read the existing ASoIaF series at least 5 times. Each time it gets exponentially better. Only in the last year or so have I forced myself to read other things, because for the longest time, I couldn’t imagine anything better than going through those stories again.
I remember seeing the guy on some show. Same guy who got a boob job as part of a bet. But it had to be a different show, because I distinctly remember how odd I thought it was that they showed his supple breasts in all their glory.
At the mall this evening, I opened the unlocked door of a unisex bathroom as a woman was pulling up her pants.
And I guess we’re not going to talk about Jason Schwartzman. He kills in every scene he’s in and “Bored to Death” is the best television show ever.
Doesn’t Sloan fit into that Toronto scene at some point? Chris Murphy was heavily involved in the movie.
Then he wins.
The link has the 49" at $797. It’s only $679 on Amazon.
The link has the 49" at $797. It’s only $679 on Amazon.