
US-american voting is fucked up anyway. Once-convicted people can't vote ever? As if you have no rights when you once stole something. Free country my ass. You all need to take a look at some european countries to see what freedom, liberty, independence all all your other ridiculous buzzwords REALLY mean.

The trackpad already is multitouch.

Ohni forgot about sports, since i'm not a fan but good point, thats what live tv is still needed for.

Who among us who doesnt live in content glory land usa watches tv aanymore anyways? For me, it has been at least 5 years since i sat down to watch tv and i imagine i am not the only one in the early-20s generation.


Aw come on, 250 bucks really isnt that expensive for this. Granted, i won't buy it (right away) since i already have an iphone and an ipad. But 250 dollars is really not too much for this kind of hardware.

The ones who really need to change are the artists. Artists, you now have the power to make money on your own without the help of greedy corporate ticks. If every artist suddenly decided to boycott the record labels etc this would all be over. i for one never buy music (and do not illegally obtain it), but i go to

because gizmodo is also about internet culture and stories like this tend to buzz like hell.

sucks for the guy who was "terminated". seems a bit harsh and overzealous to just 'sacrifice' an employee to please Jobs.

that was the joke

yes, kinda. There are no non-apple computers that run apple's OS, OSX (except for people who build so called Hackintoshs out of compatible PC-hardware)

"sexy women are nothing but trouble on the internet?"

way to disregard windlasher's comment because of a stupid nitpickingly small thing that only an OCD guy would find annoying.

only a gadget site commenter can be so smug as to think people who don't know what they're doing deserve that their property is damaged/information is stolen etc.

seems like you need to jailbreak.

not everyone who buys android is savvy just like not every iphone user is a sheep. In fact, the android/ios users i know are the exact opposite of the stereotype respectively.

In my experience it's exactly the opposite. All of my friends who have iphones&macs are the ones who i would generally categorize as more tech savvy. All of my friends who really use their computers to do anything other then fucking play games or facebook all day have macs. As do i. And i'm not some kind of sheep for

well my galaxy s1 (which my father gave to me for tinkering because he said "it doesn't work") is a piece of fucking crap. it crashes all the time, especially the *stock* android market app, which always without asking installs an update for itself which in turn won't work after the next reboot. Oh did i say reboot?

in this case they would not be pirates but thieves because with piracy, no one loses their files.

german Wehrmacht soldier != Nazi. nazis who wanted to fight joined the SS. The Wehrmacht (defending force in german) were only plain old soldiers not any more political than soldiers in any country are today.