
wow, i gotta say, having tried bing maps for the first time today, bing maps seems a hell of a lot faster on my 2nd gen macbook air 11" than google maps.


that's not how you use the word 'ironic' :)

it is a ripoff.

well it never worked in germany, so i assume like most of ios's cool features it only works in the USA

that's because they think that history is sacred and cannot be properly depicted by movies/books

also, jet engines sound different all the time, even from the same jet the scope of different sounds is quite large.

then get a haircut!

yes, but what would one call this future-being? you couldn't call it an amphibian, because that branch split off the fish eras ago. but the potential heirs of these fish would have similar features, how would one distinguish between them and "real" amphibians? and how do we know that this has not happened before?

maybe a jet crossing the skies faster than sound? even at daytime i have to look really hard and long to see the fighter jets that cross german skies regularly.

well, importing and exporting stuff from and to iphones is seriously fucked up. I have a Macbook air with a puny 128 SSD and a 64 gb iphone and i can't tell you how many times i wanted to punch someone because itunes wanted to import all fucking apps from my phone to the macbook which didn't work because there wasnt

no german person ever uses über to define something as superior. We use ober- though (same meaning)

wasn't there some kind of amendment in the US constitution that gives the people the right to overthrow their government with firearms if it gets oppressive?

that's a very slippery slope you're going down. i kinda agree with you, but many people are going to call you out for being a 'racist'.

damnit! you beat me to it. lol, at least i'm not the only one going to hell for this.


it's also less necessary than food.

anybody who can whine about something on the internet has enough money to give away food once in a while.

if they're so flabbergasted at someone giving away food to a homeless person, why don't they do it themselves?