
Yellow, really.

It's pretty good, I'd recommend the coleslaw, Macaronic and Cheese, and other homemade toppings. If I remember correctly, they have a ton of different vegetarian dogs, more varieties than the meat ones. On a related note, I'm pretty sure the North Shore is the only place where peschetarians outnumber vegetarians.

It is a pretty sweet Beahgarden.

Hey at least she wasn't from Revere.

It was wicked sweet, there were Canadian Pringles and Tonka Trucks for all!

Honestly, both.

On my way out, yeah!

Lynn, Lynn, city of sin, you put out your dick n' syphillis comes in!

Ehhhhh. North Shore for me. Better highway there. If you're going under 90, it's not a real Mass highway.

Oh shit I might've seen you! You see a guy talking about notecards and shoplifting really loudly)

So are you double commuter rail sometimes? That must be wicked expensive. Also, you might've just come to the right place: thanks to woodland protection, angry socialism, and general weirdness, Rockport might be the only north shore town to escape gentrification.

Ohhhhhh. You're talking about ripoffbury's, right? Roy Moore's forever!

Actually, they described is as "Very Good, thank you butler, now get the forty maids".

Point taken, but we're sure as hell not Manchester, and at least we're not Gloucester. You at the school?

What are you, some kind of Gloucester bitch?

Right? This is why I complained as a good Rockport citizen!

Oh buddy ol pal ol buddypalbuddy, you need to get yourself some real seafood. May I suggest Turner's, kinda near the 5 bank. Also the tourist Salem CVS now has ketchup pringles; they are, in fact, delicious.

Ehhh, I'm more in a seafood mood. Farnham's or Woodman's. I'd say the Clam Box but it's a bit out of the way.

As someone in Rockport, this is appalling. Our Vikings banner hangs in the movie, yet those Richie Riches get free prime?

I feel bad about my previous comment, it was the wrong way to go. You should not feel like a worthless piece of shit, Jim King, because you aren't. At the same time, I feel as though you are judging that which you cannot see. The true plague of modern television is pilot quality, as in most people abandon mediocre