
Preachy my ass. Lisa admits she's WRONG. Hell, it doesn't even necessarily seem like the show agrees with her vegetarianism.

This better get on ETCs headlines part of Weekly Weird News.
I'm looking at you, Ricky!

This isn't a movie about Portland, ME, it's about their rival, Manchester-by-the-Sea! Why would they show it, ya big dumb!

That is really true.
Nobody knows why everybody from Gloucester has a South Boston accent, especially since neighboring Rockport has citizens that sound like they're from the Mid-Atlantic.

Maybe we'll get Quentin Tarantino "Lynn, City of Sin"

I mean Essex shares the school and they ain't too bad.
But he's right, most people from Manchester are rich assholes.
At least the assholes here only think they're rich!
(Ask him what he thinks about Rockport for me)

Right near my home.
Wish it was set in Rockport though.
*scornfully looks at movie for taking place in the shitty part of Cape Ann*

All of them? For vengeance after they forced him to Norbit?

Honestly, I'm just excited to see some actually amazing acting from Cuba Gooding Jr. He was so good before Snow Dogs

Wow, you just won't go back into you shell, will you? Well, why don't you do what you do best, and go fuck yourself.

Hi again! Listen, at least he has Watchmen. Your opinion of good literature probably consists of John Grisham's The Firm.

IMO, Velma's bisexual, Marcie's a lesbian.

Actually, I think it may have been cancelled because of all the Les Yay that was going on between Velma and Marcie (Hot Dog Water).

How about you go fuck yourself, you worthless piece of shit. Have you even watched more than 30 seconds of the show? Or do you just LOVE insulting people over the internet?

As much as I would like to say it's mostly racism propelling the lack of a Selma nomination, I think it's more based on the idea the Selma and American Sniper somehow represent liberalism and conservatism, and that the Academy went with conservatism (which confuses me in many regards, as neither film seems to stand on