doing this is as useful as doing my job

Speaking of bullshit do any of you people know what Alpha 66 is? Anyone that pretends Castro and Che were evil people fighting against noble heroes is a liar or an idiot. The United States and those Cuban exiles did horrific things to Cuba and their people. It is an ugly dark piece of world history. Fidel Castro

And have far less blood on their hands than any American president. So the next time you see some hipster in an Obama t-shirt....

Now playing

The Cuban ex-pat community is one of the most reactionary political demographics in the United States. They’re one of the only identifiable groups of voters of color who went for Donald Trump in the election. So I don’t expect more from Le Batard. But you might note that the “murderous killer” you’re indicting via

A world leader with blood on their hands? I don’t believe it...