doing this is as useful as doing my job

But he was America’s dictator so he wasn’t killing people and oppressing others for immoral reasons...he was doing it for moral, acceptable reasons!

What would you say is the meaningful difference? Boundary lines?

If I’m killilng someone because I believe X and they believe (what I perceive to be) the opposite of X...why does it matter if they’re from my country or not. Their citizenship in no way fuels or dissuades my motivation.

Killing is killing is killing. Acting like one form is holier than thou’s method of killing is the exact kind of mental gymnastics people do when they’re trying to defend their political opinions.

Ask a mother whether she’d rather have her son killed by a firing squad or paramilitary action. I bet she looks at you like

Re: the last sentence: No one is saying they are. This is clever re-framing of your opinion, though. Good work.

Thanks for making my point.
You agree with American politics more than Che’s
So you’re totally okay with killing Nicaraguans, Panamanians, El Salvadorans. But Cubans! Don’t hurt the Cuabns, because I don’t like the politics of the guy killing Cubans! It’s fine. You’re a free to your opinion.

But your original comment doesn’t read as “he did stuff, too”. It reads as “this guy is uniquely terrible”...which isn’t true. That’s why people are comparing.

Feel free to re-frame this criticism, too, instead of addressing it.

I don’t disagree with your assessment of Che. But why is it that the far left guys need to be remembered for this? What about... 
Reagan killed as many spanish speaking folks for disagreeing with American politics...but god forbid anyone question that.
Wanna stick to Cuba and pick on a Democrat? What was the Bay of