
@deanes: Unfortuantely, since most of us live in cities, that isn't an option. =[

@stranger: There are many good reasons for civilians to own weapons such as:

@loosethoughts: Those are semi-automatic weapons. There is a prohibition on civilian ownership of automatics for the most part, AFAIK.

Meh, I saw it in IMAX 3D and it was pretty much exactly what I expected; cool visuals, great music, and mediocre to dissapointing story.

@Rescue9: Wow, well planned.

@aeiluindae: you could do something like:

Speaking as someone who lives in Seattle - a place that has some of the biggest asshole cyclists around - this wouldn't be an issue if they just obeyed the fucking traffic laws.

Nonsense. If it exists it can be copied, printed, etc.

@badfad: Droid X. Do it. Now. =P

Traded my Nexus One for the Samsung Focus - very pleased thus far.

@mnemonicj: That isn't the only reason one would buy a car (or invest in IT) if a new model comes out that provides enough added value / features to justify the cost then you could make the case for an upgrade (even if the old system works just fine).

@mnemonicj: Because, especially as far as IT professionals go, Windows 7 in conjunction with Server 2008 R2 offers features and functionality in an enterprise space that Windows XP dreams it had.

@im2fools: Not sure were you got your GED in law, but the kid's actions aren't "plainly illegal".

@25toLife: Yes, they absolutely would. It isn't about the money with these people - they cannot be reasoned with.

@N@tedog: If you elevate your PC just 6" off the ground you will reduce the dust that it sucks in by something like 75%.

@GaryTschirhart: Many motherboards have fans on them - this has been common for at least the last decade.

@RalOberon: No, it is not an instant overdose - it is actually a fairly common thing to do (relatively speaking).

@lewisboy: Those signs have no legal weight. They can ask you to leave but they cannot prevent you from taking pictures.