
@cec: I absolutely agree.

@apeguero: Godwinpwned. Please walk away from the discussion as you have proven you have nothing to add. Kthnxbai.

@Eddie Estes: Aw, how cute - you think you know what you're talking about. =D

@Texas: You mad brah?

Dedicated reading device with LCD = FAIL.

Been playing this on the Xbox. I am about 4 hours in and haven't had any issues thus far (other than getting down to like 3 rounds left in a couple missions =X ).

He is getting exactly what he deserves. Not sure why he thinks he is special...

@redman042: That may be your opinion, but it isn't a statement based upon any facts.

@philosopher_dog: Logic fail. Being a "better environmental citizen" does not make you a better person.

@redman042: Couldn't disagree more - nuclear weapons are an invaluable tool to have in our country's arsenal.

@divinelioness: Children aren't allowed to make such decisions, their parents already did it for them.

@MisterHister: Why would this cause division? There are plenty of natural sources of "pollution".