
"We can haz Kevin Durant?"

It looks like the GreenManGaming deals might be no longer valid. All the links for the PC games are going to 404 error screens.

Man, that turkey is more dead than Seattle's chances of getting another NBA team.

If Stephanie Meyers had made the story about vampires fighting in the Civil War like that one guy, the Twilight movies would be much better.

Seriously. But then if they had left on time and left him there then they would have been smeared all over social media. Lose-lose situation.

I remember seeing some deleteed scenes in a novelization of the first movie years ago. I think it was at the elementary school library where my mother was librarian. I remember the scene with Biggs and there was also a scene where we see Luke working on a moisture vaparator.

I wonder what it will be like for her to explain the procedure to her fellow Justices since most of them don't seem to know what a heart is.

Somewhere on the Internet some white MRA guy is reading this and the only thing he is taking away from it is "Man, how does a racist piece of shit like that manage to talk a woman into having sex with him bu a Nice Guy(tm) like me keeps getting shot down?". I guarantee it.

I read Dominic's last tweet to quick and thought the last part read #bicurious instead of #becurious. My first thought was "If that's the case then maybe you should check out some of the stories that have been written about your Lord Of The Rings character".

OK this Disney Princess meme has me barking mad. I have a major bone to pick with who ever thought of this and frankly i think it's time we put the whole thing on paws.

Se, i think Tebow getting together with the Dugars is a great Play. I mean, it may look like a Hail Mary on the Duggar side, but let's be honest, the clock is slowly ticking away on thier game. And you know what they say about Tebow, all he does is win.

Do you have any links for those Ebay Itunes 25% off sales?

I can see my house from here!

I want to belive that out of this some good will come. I remember as a little kid seeing the riots in L.A and at the time I knew something important was happening. But that didn't cause any real change so why would this? Fuck I knew this would happen but I was hoping I would be wrong.

They're making Toy Story 4 though. So that dings thier non cash grab reputaiton a bit since 3 ended the series so perfectly. I would love a MI sequal though.

Most of my picks like LOTR and Avengers were taken so I'll go with Rifftrax. There were a lot of people wanting to know what the Brains would do post MST3K and at least for three of them we found out in 2006.

That did surprise me. It had a decent story and good effects and seemed poised to launch a franchise. I heard the books were pretty good to.

Taylor Kitsch too, presumably as part of his years-long effort to bury John Carter of Mars deep in the sands of, uh, Mars.