Get over it, entitlement looks ugly on you
Get over it, entitlement looks ugly on you
I love this game. You survive and explore. That’s it - and it’s fantastic. The only thing I would love to see is the ability to craft bases and structures to your hearts content, perhaps only on planets you have discovered.
Its because Gawker has to make up for all the money they are going to lose when they have to pay out Hulk Hogan.
“330 square miles”
The A-10 was built because the attack helicopters were inadequate. How have they changed?
Son... are you a special kind of stupid? While I like the F-35, I freely admit that it’s a shit show when it comes to CAS: can barely carry 45 seconds of cannon ammo... internal rocket bays can’t carry nearly as much as the A-10 wing pylons... the composite skin makes the F-35 low-survivable against even moderate…
Years ago, Israeli defense outfit Rafael developed the equivalent of a “bubble shield” for military vehicles. The…
I enjoyed this and welcome aboard! As you will see on here, most of us can't handle changing our damn underwear lol, God Forbid we come on here and don't see Saint Tyler!
Ignore him. People (including me) are just upset Tyler left.
Hi Justin.
Do you have any constructive feedback?
Foxtrot Alpha should not have been a success. A defense site on a car blog? Why the hell would anyone want to do…
Oh shut the hell up. You’ve probably never served. While I personally like President Obama, whenever we salute a senior officer or superior it is a mark of respect for the office. I didn’t like Bush, but I saluted him because I respect the office, even though the man did stuff I didn’t like. Any service-member who…
When I shop for unmanned armored vehicles - the ability to smash through 1/4 inch plywood walls and flaming grass piles is my #1 make-it-or-break-it criteria.
“The exercise will last five weeks.”
It probably has something to do with the relatively low-tech, decentralized nature of the attacks (compared with, say, 9/11, Madrid, or London). I’m guessing these guys are leaving less and less evidence behind, whether physical or digital.
I just sat down for lunch and this article popped up. Now I feel like a real life Carls Jr. commercial.
On August 13, 1981, Jay Reid and I made the first SR-71 landing in Continental Europe. It was virtually…
“Go pill” or “No-Go pill”? Take both and organize the barracks right before forgetting about it.