No. The Crossroads::Able test illustrated only ships with 1000 yards of the blast sank + serious damage. It was actually this exact myth that was prevalent at the time (Navy is obsolete) that the tests were put together for
No. The Crossroads::Able test illustrated only ships with 1000 yards of the blast sank + serious damage. It was actually this exact myth that was prevalent at the time (Navy is obsolete) that the tests were put together for
Not if you build it with GPU optimization for the physics calcs.
Yeah, but then you lose the ability to derive actionable intelligence from all of the ‘trons the ISIS media machine cranks out. Bad idea.
Will policymakers look past the cost per hr of JLENS/unmanned vs. a manned solution?
~$40,000/hr for F-15 *
~$22,000/hr for F-16 *
-$4,000/hr for MQ-9 *
-$400/hr for JLENS ^
* =…
^ = Defense News, 5/1999
It does not matter bro. Russia is behind on the capital to fund the program after we asked the Saudi’s to open the spigot on oil production all the way and killed Russia’s economy by driving the world price of oil below what they can produce it for.
They might have 12 fighters by 2020.....OOOOH.
LOL. They just cannot afford to build it that’s all. They get 12 fighters by 2020. Totally different.
Correct. Apparently, this is also being developed as doctrine to an extent (at least against OPFOR in state-side war games):…
No. The kills were well after the helos were airborne:
loving this desert storm anniversary series. you need to do an article on the a-10 in DS: air to air kills + obscene majority percentage of a2g kills (and it had the 2nd highest mission capable rate in theater).
Yep. I am sure that the family members are laughing it up right now.
12 US service members are missing in the ocean - people with families, children and parents wondering if they will ever see them again - not really time for sarcasm or snark.
Thanks for all your hard work: It’s nice to not have to sift through social media etc. for reliable info updates on developing situations like these.
The thermobaric warhead of the RPG7 (TBG-7V) is terrifying. It is basically a 3kg fuel-air bomb strapped to the rocket motor. Lethal effects within 10m — whether you have body armor or not — as it collapses your lungs and ruptures internal organs via an overpressure effect.
No. Not even close. It is entirely different in terms of range and kinetic effect (penetration or lethal radius).
Thank you for correcting that none-sense: The RPG7 family has warheads anywhere from 40mm to 105mm dia. and between 0.7 and 5kg of explosive or thermobaric comp. — the thermobaric (tbg7) has a supposed lethal radius of 10m. The M433 40mm is what like 0.2kg max? No way they are close.