
If the reaper is GS/ARGUS configured, then it is piping out gigabytes per second of imagery data via whatever data uplink. The actual flight control is over a satcom link. Even if it is all encrypted the profile/signature/patterns of the EM emissions are sensitive information (or else we wouldn’t have the RC-135).

Love it.

they don’t need to. they just sit right next to it and vacuum up all of the EM emissions from it, and then bring all that data back home for the head shed to hack through.

Not in training typically. Mostly high-endurance missions, and the flight surg’s are nice and hand out a nice temazepam nightcap when they get back.

“for-profit prison industrial complex that employs the death penalty” = makes no sense. If private prisons are paid for live inmates then killing them is not profitable. think before you spout drivel.

Great piece Tyler. I really like your format here. I will always read something like this (candidates defense IQ’s) vs. something like a depressing F-35 story.

If you define ‘incredibly well’ as the loss of ~75x Mi-24 to hostile action in Afghanistan alone, then sure buddy, whatever you say.

The Hind series did not do so well last time it played with an Islamic insurgency...

Love the article title image. This actually just reminded me that the first USAF aircraft on-site (F-15 #77-0102) to the twin-towers is actually sitting about 100 yards away from me at the pacific coast air museum right now. Thanks, Tyler.

So, then maybe change this part of the article to make that more clear?

Post a new link to the video or at least amend the article to show the video has been made private. This is just click bait otherwise.

How indeed.

Ha. Man. I feel. really. stupid. right. now.

Complicated like an Appalachian family tree...

Interesting also that the US Army has developed an M1 decoy with an actual heat signature generator precisely to draw AT positions out. Makes you wonder exactly how long the guys on the AT tube lasted after the video filmed.