
I am impressed with what the Braves have been able to do this year, considering: all of your Starting pitchers threw their elbows out, and almost half of your team salary is going to Dan Uggla, BJ Upton, and Ervin Santana.

He just was given no benefit of the doubt after an injury. He was performing to the same pace as Zimmerman did after his hand injury, but it was Harper so everyone got worked up about it.

I'm not sure if it's a Baltimore public school reading comprehension issue, or just the general Orioles jealousy, but.....

"In the history of MLB there haven't been many better or more exciting stretches than the Nats' last week-plus: nine straight wins, six of them by a single run, and four of the last five, including

This is considered anorexic in Missouri.

The biggest surprise is that he is even doing this.
Considering that Rose might be made of glass, I don't know what he has to gain by risking injury to play some schlubs from Slovania in a not-NBA, not-Olympics exhibition tournament.

Apparently the makeup was done by the company of one of the judges of SyFy's Face Off. They were doing Babylon 5 makeup at the time, so I bet they could get decent results cheaply.

SyFy and Lifetime movies are generally horrible. Not always, but a majority of the time.
There. I fixed that for you.

And....that was the point where my head exploded.

No more tanks until they get the cameras, maybe?

Google Glass for cops?

Based on the halftime shows lately, I think the NFL would make more revenue by having fans pay to not have a concert at halftime.

Nice. I was actually enquiring about Chicken Fries on this site sometime in the last month. Answered prayers.

No...Nope....Nope definitely not blocking the plate

It just takes re-teaching some muscle memory and adapting.
The Nationals had a similar play last night that was out, and they haven't had a catcher block the plate all year, because the coaches specifically focused on it in Spring Training.
I think that may be a reason this seems to only affect crappy

You hit your ceiling with the "Angry Whopper BK"; just give up.

I'm a decade past my last Funyun, and I still get excited about the idea of them. #Funyuns4lyfe

I almost feel starstruck. Well done Hunter.

Exactly. If you're going to try to have sex with somebody's wife, be prepared for them to do anything and everything to ruin your life.