I think they reduced Big Ben's suspension after he raped that girl, and I think Brandon Marshall
I think they reduced Big Ben's suspension after he raped that girl, and I think Brandon Marshall
I guess you could say his suspension is... Aldon.
When asked about Washington's offense, quoth the raven, "Neverscore."
Well... When you play with 12 men and make a big deal about it, you're probably gonna get penalized... Jackasses
Bieber is a bad Canadian joke.
"I get to box today? Looks like Boxing Day came early!"
I always knew Floyd Mayweather beat women.
If you want to make your pizza "resonate" with Millenials, make it reasonably affordable and not taste like shit. It's pretty simple.
honest-to-goodness, gritty, get up and pull yourself up by your bootstraps character
Yes, because the penalty for stupid should be death, right?
"...you don't listen to Chris Brown because he punched his girlfriend for giving him a STD?"
Why aren't you people embarrassed that you know the lyrics to a Chris Brown song?
Guess who didn't read the post they responded to?
Idiot. No way they had a cover ready for a Giants win.
How is he supposed to win the Hardcore title without bringing a referee with him?
Its the rednecks with no teeth, massive beer bellies, accents so thick you need subtitles, and general lack of IQ that prevent NASCAR from being taken seriously.
Did i just watch a rednecks wet dream?
"You come at the King, you best not miss."