
Take deep breaths, friend.
People will like you for you. You don't have to be an overly-aggressive internet tough guy that "recommends" their own angry posts.
Look in the mirror and say 3 nice things about yourself.

You seem very angry; You should relax.
Try meditation.... or decaf.

Not Impressed
*gif of Rey Mysterio Jr doing a hurricanrana*

Marvel, when reached for comment:

That's pretty intense for a go-kart race.

Ah. I would not have wasted my time had I realized initially that you are an idiot.

That's debatable considering they are in the top 10 teams for attendance.

The entire "debate" was ridiculous. Players need time after injuries (especially arm/hand ones) to get it together. And it's been one month. LaRoche regularly has 3 week slumps with no injury, and nobody talks about demoting him.

Hunter Pence thinks Bryce Harper should get more ESPN coverage

But.....tuxedo t-shirt = class.
He was probably there on business.

That actually works for almost anything, really.
Whenever I'm wearing a suit and tie, I try to wander into places i'm not allowed, just to see if a white guy in a suit can go anywhere.

If it wasn't the Phillies, I would feel bad.
There is clearly no fucking game plan there. They're not contending or rebuilding; they can't afford free agents, and aren't trading for prospects. It looks like this is the roster he's sending out there for the next few years.

This is the one day a year baseball has news.

He's going from a 4th place team to a division leader, and leaving Cleveland. He's fine.

He was sitting next to her, 7 inches from where the ball landed.
So he would have definitely caught it, had he not been balancing on the rail like a drunk acrobat.

Look at this asshole jumping off the rail.
It's not a rebound, Kareem; that's not going to help.

It will be tough to beat the Iron throne pedi-cabs from SDCC a couple years ago.

Why did they need to photoshop two hulks together? The Hulk in the original illustration would have worked fine. And what is with the bubbles coming out of his head?

I didn't really catch the early Steiners; I always heard good things, but when I saw Scott he wasn't quite blonde yet, but he had already roided up too much to move.

I think he would have been fine as a mid carder. But he had no mic skills or charisma, his personas always sucked, and he lost any actual wrestling