
Of fucking course it was an "Abby/Abbie/Abbi"

I do wonder what the PEDs were that he tested positive for.
If it was Steroids, he's definitely doing a good job of hiding any muscle he gained.

As with Uniqlo, GU clothes are not pricey: the most expensive item in the store is the equivalent of around twenty bucks, with many items costing under ten dollars. That's perhaps why GU isn't too worried about people making off with clothing.

The folks behind Uniqlo are unveiling a new concept in Tokyo: Customers can try on clothes and then leave the store to see how they look in public.

What a magnificent human body, held together solely with bacon grease and PEDs.

That was one angry queen.

Yeah....this pretty much shows every comment section on the internet.

A: I love [Article topic]
B: I hate [Article topic]
A: You are wrong and stupid and I hate you
C: go to hell you racist/liberal/tea-partier!

Washington Orangeskins?

Their jean shorts are being washed.

I think Joey is innocent!

I've got to put a lot of blame on the drone operator.
"Well, they seem to be throwing things at me. Should I fly towards the people throwing things....or away?...."

The ball was showboating on it's way over the fence.

It's just going to make it that more fun, when he is Mark Sanchez 2.0

Clearly not "IHateClickBaitComments"

When your best solution is filing bankruptcy, that's a problem.

"So, what you're saying, is that Lebron choked?"
-The internet

Meh. Pit Bull is Chris Brown without the domestic assaults and with tighter pants.

a million Americans simultaneously googling "Claudia Leitté"