
I wonder how much the announcers need to be in on the match. 9 out of 10 the match will end due to interference and a pin, or finishing move and a pin. I imagine they just get info if there is an particularly unusual ending.

My favorite part is that nobody refutes that Redskin wasn't/isn't racially insensitive.
The straw man response is always "It's no big deal. you're overreacting" "they're cool with it" or "there are other names that I find offensive, so it's ok"

I've never seen a debate where someone had less of a "leg to stand on".

I disagree.I think the name change would keep the same fans, and get new ones. I've found most Washingtonians as apathetic toward Bullets as they are Wizards. We should just do a big renaming of both teams. Wizards as a name isn't great, but it's not horrible-the treatment of it is. The Magic don't have someone

"I was not cheering, before it was uncool to not cheer" -Brooklyn

Wow...You're pretty...You wanna go on a date?

It's only competition is runners themselves.

"Kim cheated on Kanye with Chris Brown"
I call bullshit, until we see bruises.

It gets even better. McCarthyism!

These poor things. We should start a canned food drive for them like they did the Walmart employees.

I did not know what "lax" meant.
(I clicked on this thinking thinking Jay accidentally started a East coast-West coast beef with some obscure rap group named after the LA airport.

It's a sport that is non-existent with middle class in America.
I was 30 before I knew it existed. I started working in the rich white part of town and started seeing all these tools walking around in half-shirts with butterfly nets.

Or the last week.

"Dumb Twitter Users Rage Against Death Of The First Amendment"
"White Twitter users Rage Against Death Of The First Amendment"

I think you're projecting, son.

I've noticed that a lot over the last couple of years.
People seem to think it's magic, or like the "get out of jail free" card in Monopoly.

I was thinking when I clicked on the link...I wonder how many people find some way to force the word "socialism" into the topic. I was not disappointed.

Soccer. He'd fit right in; he could bring the bananas.

It's a fair tradeoff.
1. a rich guy getting richer by making a ton of money selling the Clippers
2. being known as that rich, racist dick for the rest of your life.

" promoting the ghetto image"
The photo he was angry about was Magic Johnson. I don't think anyone would consider Magic ghetto or a detriment to NBA's popularity.....not even 40 yo racists.

I was caught between 1st & 2nd because I lost track of the count.
Started down the line on a 2-2-2 count. I was spectacularly bad at baseball.