
Why was this considered impossible? This is a pretty nice and easy photoshop job even for someone like me who is not a graphic designer. The buildings behind it are super regular and no problem to patch up. Just a copy, paste, skew, and add a bit of detail to avoid seeing double.

Finally! I was giving up hope of anyone having posted this.

Do they come with Szechaun sauce?

If Forza 7 were free, then loot boxes would be a necessary evil. But loot boxes have no business being in a $60 game, and Forza 7 will be the first game in the franchise that I’m not buying.

Protip: if you want to sell it for higher, just wait outside a walmart or gamespot, there is always a sucker willing to buy it for $400 on release date.

Rip to the people who died in las vegas and didnt get to hear this awesome news!!!

This is the form factor I always wanted, so I will be picking up another copy for Switch. I’ve been playing Harvest Moon lately, and there’s something so lovely about being able to play that game outside. I will make a point to do the same with Stardew.

I’m wondering to what extent that’s true. I could see it for a primarily story-driven game like Firewatch, but most Nintendo games don’t focus that hard on pure storytelling. Usually, at least in my opinion, they’re more fun to play than to watch.

...absolutely pathetic... they would bitch...

So, I love Bennet Foddy and the games he makes. But there was this incredibly terrible (and by terrible I mean hilariously amazing and frustrating) game that my friends and I played back in college sometime around 2010ish. The game was called Sexy Hiking and was literally this. Exact same gameplay. You were this odd

This means I don’t have to take care of them when they’re old, right?

This is hilarious to me. Guess what mr. unknown... your game mode is not unique nor the first of its kind. Get over yourself... and PS. you ain’t no Sid Meier, get your damn name off of things.

“Thoughts and prayers”.


Read: Gizmodo Media Group will have to pick a different, less fucking annoying advertising strategy.

“They also didn’t work very well from a connectivity point-of-view.”

“tattoos are very cool, and I don’t want to say a bad thing about them” Why? because it goes against the popular opinion in the circles you are running. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know that injecting ink under your skin most likely will have a long term consequences. Just because people do something in large

Not worth playing if they aren’t willing to include Mohamed as well.