
way to promote violence kotaku.

way to promote violence kotaku.

Its a competition, just like chess and poker.

Kotaku is a shit website with shit writers now.. I wish it was like it used to be in 2008

Oh come on.....

islamisation of japan

You are expecting too much from Gizmodo writers.

That is what the lizard people want you to believe. They are hiding the benefits of ingesting lead because that is the source of their power.

This is a basic photoshop functionality, how can anybody be amazed by this?

of course you mind, that is why you bothered to write that comment in the first place.

Anybody have alternative websites to old kotaku, I just cant read these type of things anymore. I want something like the old kotaku.

Right now is the best time for indie devs to publish games on the switch, there is literally no competition in a console with almost no 3rd party games (yet). No wonder they are doing so well. Once 3rd parties start publishing their games, it will be harder for indiess to compete once again.

Whats up with the horrible renders?

Looks like it was designed by the edgiest 12 year old they could find. Looks horrible.

This is what you get when you let the suits get their hands on things that should be done by a creative person.

Now playing

Ive been waiting for this since it was last announced:

They look gayer than they sound.

Everything is toxic for you fuckers. Get a grip.

The more you write your articles, the more we learn you suck too.

You dont get the money if the campaign is unsuccesful...

Why are switch users not getting this demo... Come on nintendo!