
I can tell you know nothing about theanimation industry.

I would hate fuck her for that. Bitch shouldnt talk like that about anime.

Maybe wait another 10 years when we can get the functionality of the current oculus at this price and maybe you might have something. Limited VR is useless.

They are probably getting a pretty penny for that stance.

I always thought that blade runner took place in a world were Japan won world war II, considering all the japanese influence in the architecture. So Id think Germany would be in power instead of russia.

Insentive enough for poor people to stop being lazy

The US has been a shitty country for the last 16 years. So dont blame it on Obama either if you dont want to blame trump for it.

Im glad I dont really have to deal with that shitty country at all. Its a good thing there are places in europe and Asia that know what right to privacy is.

Im in the same boat as you, im pretty much going on how I would act if I were living in that farm and relate to the other characters myself.

inb4 scalpers

And yet you haven’t addressed my point.

How? Im just stating the obvious.

NEWS FLASH: e-sports are organized to promote games.

So you laugh at religion, but you dont want other people making fun of it...WHAT?

Religion needs to be held to the same standard as anything else, the moment you cant make fun of religion is the moment it has power over society.

It has been tranformed though, so it could fall under fair use.

Why do we have to care about Harley Quinn, if its a batman game? Shouldn’t you be talking about HIM?



Operative word is RECENT. go whine somewhere else.