
That doesnt change the fact that tattoos are for criminals.

Why is this in kotaku... I dont care

That is called a sample, it would be stupid to expect the government to check every single thing you eat.

Id say that if something can be processed by our bodies and we get nourishment from it then its meant to be consumed. You cant say the same about ink. There is a reason why ink doesn’t disappear, the body is not capable of processing it.

You do know the government inspects the food you consume. right?

One is made to be consumed, the other is a foreign substance that was never meant to be in our body, guess which one is which.

indians didnt build america, it was all thanks to the hard work our forefathers put that made america great. We need to MAGA.

The good old days...

Thats what you get when you release a shitty game. Better luck next time

It matters when the public has to pay for your health expenses.

There you go:

Well, considering that tattoos are introducing strange substances into the body and increasing the risk of cancer, no wonder you would need a medical license to practice it.

She looks like a whore with that makeup

No you dont; you are not a real american unless you are born here

Some people still live as if the patriot act had never been passed.

The US is a shit country, the only people who think they are not are americans themselves. But I guess you’ve been slow cooked for so long it is hard for you to realize it.

Not bothering with pubg after what the developer said. Playing this instead.

The US has gone from the leader of the free world to shit tier country in a record time. Well done americans. You are even good at sucking.

Lol, land of the free

Woe is you... visiting Japan. that must really suck...