
That is what you get when you delve into identity politics. Always looking who they can oppress.

We need to reviewbomb those charts!

I wish it would hit the us again...

Its only a matter of time before they die. They probably had their insides liquified from the pressure blast.

Im definitely not jealous....

No. Stupid article.

Pretty much what the US does to illegal immigrants, exploit their labor and take advantage of people by paying them low wages.

Im glad someone in Kotaku knows something about politics in here.

Does this mean Peach also has nipples?

Disrupting would be to get rid of these companies, not playing ball with them.

It is just easier to write an article about how y-pipo are being raciststs against africans for not giving them servers though.

Dont they have more things to worry about?

Who even uses the app? Id use it if there were exclusive pieces of clothing or something similar.

People getting tattoos are retarded anyway. No loss whatsoever

RIP battlegrounds. At least player unknown got his money.

They stopped it because the nes classic would cannibalize their sales on the virtual console for the switch.

Lol, you call nominating hillary a swing? That was a clear miss. And Dems. will keep missing if they keep listening to croocked hillary.


If the corporate democrats keep their path, trump will get his second term. Bernie would have won!

She is one of the best artists in japan right now