Dennis Donovan

All of these are ongoing struggles, and it’s certainly possible to care about multiple things simultaneously.  I know that effort is a finite resource, and representation in tech may not matter much to you, but I guess I’m really curious precisely what good shitty snarky comments does?

White”men” were benefiting from extra characters (when the emojis used were meant to represent themselves).  

I don’t think the police are suggesting that this is the “first-best” solution to the problem.

I’m like 45% sympathetic.  Sure, she’s an impressionist doing an impression.  But the content is so clearly mocking that it doesn’t pass the sniff test.

That’s the symptom!

Two-plus years later -- those are cuttlefish.

God Amy Kaufman is an incredible journalist.

Shitty article - but there’s definitely something to the Conferederate flags at half mast thing.

Saw Che open for Dave Chappelle and Jon Stewart -- it was awesome.  He definitely does the “edgy-for-edgy” sake thing a bit more than I’d like, but some of his stuff is spot on.

Lauryn Hill — after 20 years you are still my most problematic fave!

I am so excited to vote for Pressley in September.  Massachusetts (Boston) is crazy, because the city council is very diverse, but it doesn’t flow upstream for some reason.

What’s Gattica?

Really cool! I’ve always had a thing for Scarlet Macaws, ever since my days playing The Amazon Trail.

I was coming here to chastise the author for setting up a prolonged “are her pets killing themselves” joke, because while I don’t like LD, I do love pets. But seems everyone and their mother beat me to it. 

“The truth about abortion is,” Oh God.  I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again.  Anyone who puts together a phrase like that (“the thing is”, “the truth is”, “what X is about is”) is never ever ever going to tell you the truth, or what the thing is, or what thing X is about.  

I for one LOVE League of Extraordinary Gentlemen -- but that might be your point.

Sriracha + honey

“the SS”

Did you know what you did there?!

RDJ got an oscar-nom for blackface, trolls.

I’m usually no one for “if you don’t have anything to hide you won’t mind surveillance” but if you’re always acting like a nice stranger is giving you a ride in their car, you’re probably really boring content for the camera.