Wait.. The scammer (insurance company) doesn't want to get scammed?
Wait.. The scammer (insurance company) doesn't want to get scammed?
@ProudGeek: Pardon my crude humor and delayed reply, Proud Geek.. but I don't know what the specifics are of Verizon's subsidization. From what I remember, you've been able to listen to music while doing other things ever since the first iPhone.
@Arkayne: Please keep us updated, I love TF, and it works seamlessly with µTorrent 2.2.
@reuthermonkey: They keep inventory, yes. The reason for this is to properly price the plans, so someone with an Evo on Verizon can't choose to pay less for a 'dumbphone' internet plan.
@Totenglocke42: The map you provided is more accurate, thank you for providing it. I'm not a fan of Verizon's marketing schemes, but these maps (and other resources I have available as a cell technician) are only an accurate representation of the market coverage, NOT reliability / uptime, congestion / density, and…
@crd22: Be careful, voice is not carried over CDMA 3G on Verizon's networks currently (if voice was on 3G, then it would just pair alongside an active data session). If I remember right, my Verizon MOTO Q9c carried simultaneous voice+data, but that was a long time ago!
@ProudGeek: They locked that feature down.. You'll have to subscribe to VCast Mobile Internet Assistant for $2.99/month. And don't even think about listening to music while reading E-Mail.
@seanism: On my Samsung fascinate (Verizon), I'm subscribed to the unlimited mobile network data plan, but also have the separate 5GB plan for the hotspot.
The UPS guys I know love their job, and always make good time. If I meet the deliverer at the door, I'll often tip them. Not that I should have to pay them to do their job right, but it's just a small incentive to take care of my parcels.
@telepheedian: There isn't anything wrong with that, as far as I know. When a device is purchased (under contract), it becomes property of the account holder, but must conform to terms of said contract.
@Andrew from FabulousSavings: Or they were demos, radio edits (even FM stereo recordings), or live versions.
@Astrophizz: Oh, don't worry. Our fellow Opera users have us
@sonsum: Probably just a VM on Adam's Mac. No big deal ;)
@McMike: Lol, I was just thinking about splicing a USB extension cord with line protection.
@Dogen: You forgot to mention it's free! :)
With a well-maintained desktop 'app-store,' the end user would have a place to download software without having to worry about its integrity. I realize this principle may only apply to Windows, too - which comprises a majority of internet-connected computers today.
@pxtang: Yep, S-OFF is separate from the root process and is not required for custom ROMs. I don't see a reason for S-OFF unless you're doing very experimental research with your phone.
Before I read the full title, I thought it was about cooking Android ROMs :P but I have used epicurious before - suits my needs well.
@Whitson Gordon: AirFoil used to be around, not sure if it's still available though.